Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hard Times...

Ok so I hear it every day... "these are hard times". Yada yada yada! I know gas is expensive still, therefore food and everything else is high priced. My mom keeps me up on all the food storage stuff, like when wheat and rice were going up in price because of a shortage. But nobody warned me about this one and it's a biggie!!! For three weeks now all the normal grocery stores I shop at have been out of diet mountain dew 2 liters!! I would have stocked up and filled a whole corner of my storage room with it if I had known! I had not had any for a few weeks and my knight in shinning armor brought me a 44 ozer from the gas station. It really doesn't take much to keep me happy :). BUT that can only do me for so long! So if anyone happens upon a store that has it... Please for the love, give me a call!!! (It's really not an addiction. I just like it. Allot :)


Chanté said...

You are so funny. I guess a lot of people like it a lot like you! I've never been into Mountain Dew...I'm all about the Pepsi.

Anonymous said...

You bring me cookies and I don't even offer you a sip? What kind-of friend am I? :-)

J Glazier said...

Hilarious!! I'm pretty easily pleased myself. If thats your secret to a long lean body I'm heading to the store right now! :-)

The Hanveys said...

You crack me up! I stopped drinking soda (except on the weekends) and now I wonder WHY I stopped?! It's SO good! If I see any around, i'll pick ya up a few. Love ya!

Gail said...

We all have are needs. I will keep an eye out for you.

Hassingers said...

You are hilarious. I'll keep my eye out for you.

Holly said...

I've never done the Diet Mt. Dew, but my gosh...have you ever tried the Code Red Mt. Dew? YUM! I think I'm having a craving...

Sabine Berlin said...

I'll keep my eyes peeled for it.