Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Morning!

I remember as a kid just waiting for the sky to turn from black to blue so we could run into my parents room and wake them up! I was totally expecting the kids to wake US up at the crack of dawn, but was my husband.
I was totally out of it and couldn't figure out what he was doing, but I guess since EVERYTHING under the tree is a surprise to him, HE couldn't wait to see what Santa (me ;) had left. Where was all that enthusiasm a few months ago when it was time to do the shopping :)? Maybe he was a little busy funding it. This is always the worst/busiest time of year for Joe's company.
Anyways, it was great! He got the cameras ready and drug the kids into our bedroom to pull me out of bed! We kept Christmas pretty simple this year and my kids didn't even seem to notice. They were so excited for what they got and I have totally been enjoying watching them play with each other and their new stuff together!

Miss Ainsley got a kitchen , lots of plastic food and dishes to go with it, and some new petshop pets. She made us all some delicious plastic muffins and hot chocolate. She is going to be one rockin hostess someday!

Caleb is my easy to please, totally excited about anything kid! This smile made all the fuss totally worth it! He and Jacks both got super huge nerf guns, heely shoes, and his favorite thing was these weird little toys called bakugans. He's talked non-stop about them for months and luckily I found some of them in October before they were cleaned out of the stores. Then Papa picked up a few more in Houston. Thanks Dad!

Here's Jacks testing out his new weapon of destruction! I really should have gotten one for Joe too! He keeps steeling Caleb's and I can hear all three of them having a war down in the basement! Boys! I love 'em all!

I'll have to post picts of Joe and I's christmas present (from my parents) in about six weeks, after we get back from our TRIP TO MEXICO!!!!!

I love the holiday season and spending so much time with my kids, our families, and our friends! Now that it's just about over; the snow can melt, I am ready to eat some broccli, and I'm thinking that whole tanning idea sounds great!

1 comment:

LaurieJ said...

I heard that gun was all the rage this year!
tell Miss Ainsley I would love to be invited over for hot chocolate and crumpets :-)