For thinking everybody else is crazy!

I haven't licked any pigs, but I am big on the sanitizer and washing my hands. I totally avoid McDonalds playland and only go to Walmart when I absolutely HAVE to. I've been known to use a gas station bathroom in an emergency, but only in an EMERGENCY! I'm sayin... I try to be healthy and keep things clean. And I really don't mean any disrespect by saying this, but the chapel I go to church at is gross! Specifically the bathrooms!!! It's totally worth the trip home!
So my last post (over 2 wks ago) was about how Caleb came home from church sick... Today was my little boys first day back at school! I have been super sick myself for several days (this really is not a whiny, poor me thing :). My personal nurse practitioner (my amazing little sister who is a nurse practitioner) braved a visit to our house and told me I have the swine flu.
Ha! I laughed!!! I have been making fun of people that are all worked up about this stupid thing for weeks! I am sick of hearing about it! So I guess I deserve it :). Yea it's pretty crappy stuff and the other night I didn't think I was gonna make it through the night because I was so freakin congested I couldn't even breath! I haven't left my house in what feels like forever, and I've had to be creative to keep my kids from killing each other from their boredom! I even entertained myself one afternoon by cruising the classifieds on ksl. By the way...somebody is selling a "real" rodeo queen outfit for only $800 and then there's another lady that makes all kinds of red hats with feathers and stuff in them. She says your friends will all be jealous if you have one! And who knew there was such a thing as a fur coat made out of raccoons! Certainly not me! It got me thinking... who catches the raccoons and then skins them? Then what woman in her right mind sews them together?!
I know I sound pretty crazy myself! Must be the swine flu talkin! Anyways, I am hopefully on the up side of this whole deal (really- nobody make me soup or I'll be chapped!) and I still think people are nuts!!! And even though I no longer need the vaccination for it, the whole idea sounds scary!
You make me laugh!!! Is that one of your kids in that picture? Cuz that is NASTY! Hope you're feeling better!
Get feeling better, the whole crew!!!
I was feeling so sorry about you being so sick, but then I was laughing so hard about you surfing ksl classified -- where do people get these things! Hope you're on the mend! Miss seeing you -- we'll have to do some more pics soon!
You are hilarious! I love the raccoon fur coat idea. I think I'll have Sean trap us a few so we can sew them into some sweet church coats:) Then you can dress all your kids in raccoon coats for church and the other kids with germy little noses will stay away from them! It's brilliant! I can't wait till you feel better so we can get together!
I'm so sorry you guys have been sick. L started coughing last night and I have been freaking out this year because so many people have been so sick this season, and when he gets something he usually gets it bad. I hope you are all better soon!
Hey Mel, Your post is too funny, hope all of you are on the mend. Just wanted to tell ya that cecil caught a racoon a few weeks ago in our back yard that was destroying our outdoor furniture and I decided to start making coats out of em so were on the hunt here in the south. (Ha) did your mom tell ya bout the little lady in texas that likes to eat em?? Hey I need to chat with ya so will call ya soon. Jamie
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