I know I am just a little behind on the times, but I just barely bought the photo shop program and have been playing around with it a little. It's crazy how things change so quick! It's great! It's all about progression, right (dangit)!
I am embracing the fact that photography has become more about 'editing well'. I've been cropping and balancing light and color, and that is about it. I know... archaic!
Opening up the photo shop program is a little overwhelming, and really exciting all at once (so much to learn :). I will say that it gave me a boost of confidence to see that all the cool effects and perfect lighting I've seen on so many other photos are done not through skill or pure luck, but by a few simple clicks on a computer program. I was blown away by the whole head swapping action! I could have used that one over the years!
So... I'm actually opening myself up to opinions to see what the popular vote is :).
The top photo is just my normal bag of tricks. The bottom two are photo shopped using various enhancements.
What do you like???
And that's my little sister and her hubby, so no comments about the "subjects" :)!
Also, because I am new with this stuff, I would love it if anyone had any fun tips or sites with good tutorials!
And Thanks to my friends that help me with just figuring out how to use this blogger stuff!
Oh yeah... and how in the world do you change the size of your photos when you post them on your blog???? Kami? Laurie? ANYBODY?.....
What if you want to compliment the 'subjects'? Those are some good lookin' people :-)
I love the second picture.
I get pictures bigger by uploading to flickr and then clicking on all sizes. You can then paste the new html in your blogger photo box!
I will come show you if you want
Very nice! I like all of them! Are you using the regular photoshop or the photoshop elements I gave you? I'll email you the sites that have helped me!
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